Praxia is a society dedicated to the conception of Praxism, which we have both founded and taken for our namesake. Our mission is to establish a spiritual and intellectual tradition and corresponding elite on the basis of ontologically proper praxiology, and to have this elite persist in the face of any civilizational condition, in order to safeguard and perpetuate this conception, and the perennial wisdom in which it may be found.
To do this, our goals include the espousal, proliferation, protection, study, preservation, and practice of the conception we have called Praxism, and all of that which is associated with any of its applications.
What, then, is Praxism?
Praxism is a conception we have founded and a term we have coined in order to identify the ontological propriety present in a given thing.
The English word "praxis" is defined as "the process through which a principle becomes realized."
The suffix "-ism" denotes "that which is being realized through the process."
We therefore have Praxism: a conception in which a design, the active fulfillment of that design, and the way in which this fulfillment is realized, are identified in singularity.
This conception of Praxism may therefore be applied to all manner of things, and on any scale; it can be applied as broadly as to Reality in its totality, or as particularly as to an individual being. Once it has been applied, however, it is no longer pure Praxism; it is now an applied variant of the isolated conception, in which that isolated conception is now manifest. Therefore, pure Praxism is that which can be found within these various applications, and applied Praxism is the applications themselves.
To apply this conception on the scale of Reality in its totality denotes “the principle which orders all of Reality”, and “the Quintessential Truth to all of Reality”. To apply it to a particular and individuated thing, it denotes “individual conformity with this principle or Truth”, and “the a priori conception or essence of the thing to which the thing itself must adhere”. In the most general sense, Praxism is “that which is present in all things, and which directs them towards a proper accordance with Reality itself”.
In other words, this conception, applied to the broadest scale, is, in some ways, synonymous with various other conceptions associated with certain Traditions, which characterize a "fundamental design of Reality” or “that which most in accordance with Reality”. These include, but are not limited to:
-The Sophia Perennis (Perennial Philosophy); The Prisca Theologia (Primordial Tradition); Capital T Tradition
Dharma, and Rta, in the Vedic sense
Ma’at, in the Egyptian sense
Arta (Asha), in the Zoroastrian sense
Dao, in the Taoist sense
Why not, then, simply reference Dharma, Ma'at, Arta, etc.?
In our effort to unite an elite and espouse an agenda that expresses the perennial idea, we wish to examine the principles of this perennial idea in isolation, and, in this context alone, to disassociate these principles from the formalisms to which they are related by use of preestablished terms, through the establishment of a quintessential vocabulary. It is an effort to streamline and refine these concepts on the bases of identifying and specifying exactly what it is that is present in all of these conceptions.
Why not, then, simply reference Capital T Tradition, Perennialism, etc.?
We wish to clearly emphasize that the principle determining propriety is not limited to Tradition, or even the humanistic sphere, but that it is present in all things. We wish not to relegate the principle itself to a mere formalism, or even a genus of formalisms, but to something beyond that which is connoted by the use of the words of "Tradition" and "Philosophy", and present, again, in all things.
Is Praxia exclusive to the above?
No, these are not rules, it is simply the manner in which the group presents itself, and a suggestion of linguistics; we wish not to present the above as yet another dogma among many. In this manner we are accepting of those of any Tradition who express these ideas through the terms associated with that Tradition.
For example, it has been said that Blavatsky turned Theosophy into Theosophism; this is not what we seek to do with Praxism.
Which Traditions does Praxia deem "proper" according to this conception?
Any which identifies a transcendent unity and center to Reality, and which possesses a corresponding metaphysical doctrine that identifies and corresponds to a transcendent domain. For a few examples:
Those of the Perennial School
Abrahamic Religions understood in their purest sense
Vedic Traditions
Zoroastrian Traditionalism
Platonism / Neoplatonism
Certain Hermeticist Schools
Certain Rosicrucian Schools
All, of course, requiring the Praxist characteristic which makes it proper.
In what ways does Praxia wish to accomplish its goals?
We have many avenues of proposed activity. Foremostly we wish to cultivate a culture of propriety and reciprocity among our members, and in this we wish to be exclusive with whom we affiliate on the basis that all of us possess some quality of intuition and the level of knowledge necessary to carry out this mission; we also wish to create media and publications streamlining and refining the various ideas associated with our philosophy, as well as other activities such which will hopefully conclude in the success of these goals:
To translate Praxism as a principle into practical application
To acquire and apply knowledge concerning Divinity, the Quintessential Truth to Reality, and the other truths central to this notion
To institute a new initiatic lineage on the basis of our principles and goals
To protect and preserve Traditional and esoteric teachings and lineages, inasfar as they remain proper and pure
To provide resources for a spiritual path and higher forms of knowledge
To cultivate a subset of Affiliates to carry on this lineage and master its teachings
To support and promote current Traditional ideas, institutions, and thinkers
To champion personal ideals such as chivalry, damehood, asceticism, and propriety
To espouse political and meta-political ideas that derive from Praxism as a set of higher truths (this does not mean we wish to engage in the political sphere)
To promote literature, music, and art, which embody the various characteristics of our philosophy, and to support aesthetic movements which express and align with our key principles and core values
To encourage proper ideals of masculinity and femininity, and provide substantial outlets for each of these to healthily be expressed
To organize guilds in support of the interests of our missions and economic endeavors
To work in the interest of our goals with individuals and groups who may share our values
What areas of study are Praxia’s main concern?
Considering one of our main goals is to learn what can best be called “the fundamental truths of Reality”, our main areas of study revolve around these notions:
The fundamental design and intrinsic interconnectivity of Reality
Metaphysics & Theology
Religion & Mysticism
The truths and purposes of esoteric & exoteric doctrines
Perennial & conditioned symbolisms
Creation, evolution, and involution (not to be confused with “evolution” in the evolutionist sense)
Fate & Choice
The significance of spiritual ancestors & totemic systems
Micro & macro cycles
Initiation & Spiritual Actualization
Castes as social & spiritual functions
Consciousness & Intellectual Intuition
The Macro & Microcosm
Sacrality & Transcendence
Monism & Dualism
Heirophany & projection
Individual & collective identities
Historiography of Traditional & Modern societies
Esoteric history
What are the political implications of this?
We tend not to dwell on the politics of the day, however our ideas are associated with what has been called the “True Right” or the “Capital T Traditionalist Right-Wing”. Apart from those two notions, we decline to associate with modern political groups, almost all of which possess profane and low brow ideas.